Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mobile OS Comparison : Symbian vs Android vs Bada vs iOS

Mobile OS War: Symbian vs Android vs Bada vs iOS

There was a time when the thought of operating systems running on phones was way out of order but things have and they did change rapidly.
Today there are several different options for choosing the operating system for your mobile phones and the competition has increased so much that we are writing an article for the same today. Here is a comparison between the best in the business which also includes the blond bombshell from Samsung called the bada operating system. 
Here is comparison among the best operating systems for the mobile devices followed by the comparison table of their features.

1.     Symbian
2.     Android
3.     Bada
4.     Apple iOS:

1. Symbian:

Symbian is the open source operating system that has been developed with by the mobility giant Nokia. Amongst the total mobile phones present I the world around 43.5% are running on the Symbian OS how’s that for number. The Operating system is one o the oldest operating systems for mobile phones in the world and currently powers some really amazing devices. Here are some of the positives behind the operating system followed by the cons from a user point of view.
  • Stable
  • Continuous Updates
  • Cheaper
  • Lot of apps available
  • Durability assurance from Nokia
  • Monotonous and less customizable GUI
  • Old and Boring

2. Android Operating System:

Android is probably my personal favourite operating system in the world and trust me I have reasons in support. Firstly, the operating system is of the make from Google and hence all the Google services that we rely on come free of charge secondly it has a huge market which has apps to increase the productivity of your smart phone many folds. Also, since it is open source and comes with a great SDK so app development becomes pretty easy.
  • OS by Google
  • Google services come for free
  • Huge app store to increase phone productivity
  • Open source with great SDK freedom for developers
  • Easy to gain super user rights
  • Huge Hardware requirements (coming down these days but only a compromise)
  • Version updates not maintained by the smartphone companies.
  • All apps are not backward compatible
  • Not all versions are completely stable

3. Bada OS :

bada os

This one is still new on the blocks but is creating great news in the market already; it is expected to give the big players a run for their money very soon. The operating system had been developed by Samsung and is currently found running on only Samsung phones. Bada supports all the various sensors that the Android and Apple iOS support and very well fits them to its architecture. It has also developed a SDK for itself which means that there will be huge number of apps for the operating system pretty soon.
  • Brilliant architecture allows apps to be installed on card
  • Samsung build quality
  • Free applications available in huge numbers in the app store
  • Supports Flash
  • Since new hence relatively cheaper
  • API prevents future improvements in technology
  • Applications cannot access SMS/MMS data
  • Less number of apps available in the app store

4. Apple iOS:

iOS is the same operating system that runs on the Apple devices, Apple claims it to be the most advanced portable devices operating system in the world. What’s great about it is that it comes with a humongous app store and a great SDK to develop apps. It runs on the world’s best hardware and is probably unbeatable at the moment.
  • Most advanced operating system of the world
  • Biggest app store in the world
  • Great UI
  • Simple foldering feature
  • Pretty Costly
  • Available only with Apple devices
  • No true multitasking
  • No flash support
  • Apple puts too many restrictions on the kernel

Feature Comparison : Symbian vs Android vs Bada vs iOS








(considering optimal devices)


Hardware control



I think this will be helpful for your knowledge for Mobile OS


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