Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Folder Options Missing??

              Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer due to some virus or Trojan effect.
Here's the solution-->
Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".
Now goto User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.
Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"
Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hide user accounts from the Windows XP Welcome screen

The Windows XP Welcome screen. Pretty pictures for each user account. What a nice thought on Microsoft’s part. The only trouble is – I want to create an administrator account, and not have others tempted to try getting into it while they are on my computer.

When windows XP is not joined to a domain, it displays a welcome screen when it first boots:

 The welcome screen displays all of the local users on the system, except the built-in administrator account that was created during setup. If we want to hide a specific user from the list, download the following software

 Visit Link

that’s all we need to do. I log off, and now I only see Jennifer’s account:


Remote Desktop Multiple Session in Windows XP sp2 or sp3

Enabling multiple remote desktop sessions on XP with Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3 has also been made quite easy just follow the steps :

1) Install Terminal Server Patch 

Visit Link:

This patch will enable two or more concurrent sessions in Windows XP PRO Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Service Pack 3 (SP3) if you have FAST USER SWITCHING enabled, and your windows is NOT in a domain.
Uninstaller is also included and can be found at windows Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs.

2) Enable Remote Desktop setup for windows xp
The first step in setting up your machine is enabling Remote Desktop.  To do this, right-click on "My Computer" and select Properties.  Then click on the "Remote" tab.

 Check the box to enable the functionality, and then select the users who may access the machine remotely.  Administrators automatically have remote access.  Accounts with a blank password will not be able to login via Remote Desktop. 
3) Create user in windows xp and also set the password for the user.
Accounts with a blank password will not be able to login via Remote Desktop. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Free Utility To Make Your USB Pen Drive Bootable

If you are an fairly advanced computer user, at times you may need to boot from devices other then the default hard-disk, mainly to troubleshoot virus infections and other critical operating-system related issues, I had shared tips on how to make bootable cd for performing advance system tasks on windows. Today I will share few utilities enabling you to create bootable USB pen drives with ease, you need to have Motherboard/BIOS with USB boot support for this to work.
MakeBootable is an free and simple-to-use utility to make your Pen Drive act as a boot-up disk without erasing any data on the device. It consists of a single executable file and requires no installation, However the utility will only work on USB device's using Phison’s chip solution and FAT file-system only (you can re-format your drives to FAT easily).

If the above utility fails to recognize your USB drive you can download and use the HP USB Format Utility and HP USB Boot utility, They work with other brands of flash drives as well, The best software for creating bootable flash drives with the most extensive support of drives and advance options would be "FlashBoot" from PrimeExpert but its not free and costs around $31, you can download and try the demo version.

There are quite a few other manual methods to make usb devices bootable as discussed here, once you succeed in making your USB drive bootable using any of the method discussed above, You need to change the boot-up setting in the system BIOS as described below to boot using your portable device:
  1. With your device inserted, restart the machine.
  2. Enter the BIOS setup menu to change the boot device setting.
  3. If the boot-up files are created in the USB drive, select USB-HDD or USB-ZIP (preferred). If the boot-up files are created in the floppy drive of your device, select USB-FDD (for Pen Drive that supports security mode).
4. Save and exit the BIOS setup. You should be able to boot up with you USB device.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


तुमची एखादी फाईल चुकुन डिलीट झाली असेल आणि ती तुम्हाला परत हवी असेल तर रिकुव्हा या कामात तुमची नक्की मदत करु शकते. रिकुव्हा हे एक फाईल अनडिलीशन सॉफ्टवेअर आहे जे संगणक, कॅमेरा, आयपॉड यातून चुकुन डिलीट झालेल्या किंवा फॉरमॅट झालेल्या फाईल तुम्हाला परत मिळवून देते. रिकुव्हाचे विझार्ड फाईल परत मिळविण्याचे काम सोपे करते आणि फारशी मेहनत करता तुम्हाला महत्वाच्या फाईल्स परत मिळतात. रिकूव्हा रन केल्यानंतर क्षणभरात ते तुमच्यासमोर डिलीटेड/ फॉरमॅटेड फाईल्सची यादीच घेवून येते त्यातील हवी ती फाईल सिलेक्ट करुन ती परत मिळवता येते. रिकुव्हाचे एक अतिशय महत्वाचे वैशिष्ट म्हणजे त्याची secure deletion ( सिक्युअर डिलीशन) सुविधा ही तुम्हाला गरज असल्यास फाईल्स कायमच्या डिलीट करायला देते जेणेकरुन त्या परत रिकव्हर करत येवू नये.
फाईल चुकुन डिलीट होणे आणि ती परत मिळवता येणे ही अगदी सामान्य गरज असल्याने रिकुव्हा तुमच्या संगणकावर असायलाच हवे
Recuva is a file undeletion tool that enables you to scan your hard drive(s) or media cards for files that have been deleted or formatted. It presents you with a list of files that were found, along with an assessment of their recovery potential, a preview option and a hex viewer to inspect the content. You can limit your search to files of a certain type (e.g images, audio etc.) and choose between a fast and a deep scan approach. The program also includes a secure deletion option that allows you to permanently delete files that were found during the scan, in order to prevent any future recoveries.
Recuva employs a wizard to walk you through the file recovery process. If you have a general  idea of where the file may be, you can pick from a list of file paths, including Pictures, Music, Documents, Video, and Compressed files. After clicking the Scan button, the program immediately starts the work, and within seconds, it will pull up list of deleted files and their respective paths. The program's Advanced view gives more detailed information of each file, including the file's size and creation time. Recovering selected files is also extremely easy and you have to select the file or files and click the Recover button. Within seconds, the file will be recovered and saved to location of your choice.
Recuva - Features
·          Undelete files on your computer USB drive, camera or iPod.
·          Recovery from damaged or formatted disks
·          Recover deleted emails with Microsoft Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, or Windows Live Mail.
·          Recover deleted iPod music
·          Restore unsaved Word documents by intelligently rebuilding Word documents from their temporary files.
·          Securely delete files you want to erase forever
·          Portable version - Take Recuva with you wherever you go with the portable version

ADRC Data Recovery Software

ADRC Data Recovery सॉफ्टवेअर हा विविध डेटा रिकव्हरी सॉफ्टवेअरचा संच असून तो इंस्टॉल केल्यावर तुम्हाला वेगवेगळी टुल्स वापरायला मिळतात. ADRC Data Recovery चे Undelete (अनडिलीट) हे टुल वापरुन चुकुन डिलीट झालेल्या फाईल्स तुम्ही परत मिळवू शकता तर याचे Copy Files (कॉपी फाईल्स) टुल वापरुन  खराब झालेल्या डिस्कवरील फाईल्स  ज्या नेहमीच्या कॉपी कमांडने कॉपी करणे जवळजवळ अशक्य असते अशा फाईल्स देखिल आपण  कॉपी करु शकतोअशा फाईल्स कॉपी करताना बहुतांश संगणक हँग झाल्याचा प्रत्यय आपणास येतो आणि क्वचितच या फाईल्स कॉपी होतात यापासुन ADRC Data Recovery सॉफ्टवेअरचे Copy Files (कॉपी फाईल्सटुल आपली सुटका करते आणि शिवाय आपला डेटाही मिळवून देते.
तसेच Image Backup / Restore ( इमेज बॅकअप्/रिस्टोर), संगणकाचा बुट सेक्टर पुन्हा इम्पोर्ट करण्यासाठी उपयुक्त Boot Builder (बुटबिल्डर), डेटा कॉपी करण्यास मदत करणारे Raw Copy (रॉ कॉपी) ही टुल्स ADRC Data Recovery सॉफ्टवेअर मधे उपलब्ध आहेत. विशेष म्हणजे ADRC Data Recovery सॉफ्टवेअर तुम्हाला इंस्टॉल करावे लागत नाही फक्त डाउनलोड करा आणि तुमचे काम लगेच सुरु करा.

ADRC Data Recovery Software Tools consists of several tools for data recovery. You can easily undelete files, disk image back up or restore a backup image. You can even copy files from hard disk with bad sectors, clone disks, backup, edit and restore your boot parameters. It does not require any installation as it is a portable tool. It supports a wide variety of drives and file systems. Free

1. ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Undelete
ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Undelete helps you to recover lost and deleted data from hard drives, floppy disks, compact flash, Smart Media, Iomega Zip drives, USB drives etc…
You could undelete the files even after you have cleared the recycle bin.
It works on drives formatted in FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file-systems. It works under all windows family operating systems such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server and Windows XP.

2. ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Copy Files
This is not a normal kind of copy function. The Copy Files tool actually recovers files from disks with physical damage such propagation of bad sectors on disk. Normal windows copy will result in system being "halt" or "hang" (the infamous CRC IO errors). In this situation, Copy Files tool could come to your rescue handy.
It also features the "Copy Sub Folders" option which scans through the entire directory and attempts to copy everything you need.

3. ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Raw Copy
Raw Copy transfers the binary raw image from one drive directly to another. You could perform a disk clone backup (or if your disk is slightly faulty) and do not want perform a file by file copy. This is really ideal if you do not want to re-install the operating system. As the transfer is done in true low level binary, you could do this for drives with an unknown file system to be cloned such as game machines, Mac disk etc. With some built in recovery features, the program will try to recover data even if it is on bad sectors to ensure all or maximum data is restored from the drive.
This is a very powerful function and must be used with care. As it is a binary dump, the original data on the target drive is no longer recoverable upon completion of process.

4. ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Image Backup / Restore - Image Backup / Restore create and write disk image files to and from hard drives and any removable media.

5. ADRC Data Recovery Tools - Boot Builder
The primary function of Boot builder is to allow you to import or export the boot sector of a drive (either FAT or NTFS boot sector type). In case the boot sector is damaged due to virus or system corruption, one can easily import it back. You can even custom make your own boot sector from scratch (if you know the standard parameters) to rescue a corrupted disk.

Absolute Uninstaller

Absolute Uninstaller is a good alternative to the standard Windows Add/RemovePrograms Control Panel item.
The Standard Add/Remove Program often can't uninstall applications completely. It often leave files on the hard drive ,associated desktop icons, Start menu entries and keys in the registry. Big registry and large number of unnecessary files make the system slower and slower. Uninstall Manager can clear them in seconds!
Absolute Uninstaller Features
·          With Absolute Uninstaller, you can review the invalid registry entries and the unnecessary files/folders before you delete them.
·          batch uninstall of multiple applications
·          Automatically detect unused files left by uninstaller and completely delete them
·          Very fast speed listing programs,no need to wait.
·          Backup of selected entries and auto-fix of invalid entries.
·          List installed programs with appropriate icons
·          Absolute Uninstaller provides a user friendly interface that automatically highlights newly added programs and allows you to sort them by installation date or name. as searching for programs based on keywords, automatic highlighting of newly installed software, sorting by installation date etc.

Folder Options Missing??               Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer due t...